Shadow Text, Begin / The Mirror, Poem at Work, Poems and Other Emergencies, PUBLIC RELATIONS, APRIL (a performance), if leaking, Forever in both Directions, This Container, Touch(ed), Soft Reality


What kind of words do we have to describe our relationships? and what do those words do for us?

I've been thinking about how naming is used to build identity. That language becomes something that can buttress who you are, that makes it clear, or legible. And then thinking how could we use language, by way of practices of description, to rather try dis-identification. To think about how it can undo and thus destabilize a certain reading of bodies, their gestures, and relations. In order to experiment with what this or that relationship might mean, and thus could be. Starting from geometries of relation, literally the shapes we take, in love, care, touch, and dependency, and open the erotics through language. 


Choreography: Chloe Chignell

Collaborators and Performers: Alice Heyward and Stefan Govaart.


Residency at BUDA Kortrijk 5-16th April 2021

Residency at rile* 2021 TBC


READ - THE AGENT - co-written during a residency at BUDA, April 2021


31.10.21 • reading
Reading of THE AGENT, Berlin.
05.04.21 until 17.04.21 • residency
Public Relations in Development, BUDA
15.06.20 until 26.06.20 • residency
Research Phase of Public Relations at Kaai Theatre
15.06.20 until 26.06.20 • residency
Public Relations in Development